Little Shepherdess
479 kr
479 kr
479 kr
479 kr
479 kr
479 kr
I lager
SKU WT26442
Little Shepherdess (lilla herdinnan), 3 figurer
Höjd: 13,5 cm
“I view this angelic figure as an earthly personification of love. Her gaze and gesture is one of adoration. The smoky blue color of her dress grounds her, as do the two wooly lambs she tends. I wanted her to complement the taller shepherdess figure, Peace on Earth. Together, with the other shepherds and animals, they radiate warmth, love and peaceful attentiveness.” —Susan Lordi.
As a Christmas gift, wedding gift or self-purchase, the Willow Tree Nativity collection continues on as a family tradition.
Titel: Little Shepherdess
Förlag: WillowTree™