Despondency: The Spiritual Teaching of Evagrius Ponticus on Acedia

189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
189 kr - 189 kr
189 kr
SKU 978-0-88141-394-6
This ultimately joyful work is one of the few books available in English to deal exclusively with the problem of despondency - acedia - and how it can be overcome. Bunge analyzes the views of Evagrius Ponticus, the famous »philosopher of the desert,» on the dangers of acedia. Evagrius develops a sophisticated psychology which remains beneficial to us today. Indeed, this 4th-century Desert Father writes for Christians everywhere: for those in modern deserts -the city- and for those subject to silent despair. This is a companion book to Dragon's Wine and Angel's Bread (SVS Press, 2009). [Språk: Engelska] Häftad

Titel: Despondency: The Spiritual Teaching of Evagrius Ponticus on Acedia
Förlag: SVSP