Jessica Kingsley Publishers

319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr

A Christian Theology of Chaplaincy

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Chaplaincy is a rapidly growing ministry, but one that has been the centre of little theological discussion. Focusing on understanding what chaplai...

319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
319 kr - 319 kr
319 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr

Forgiveness project: Stories for a Vengeful Age

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Marina Cantacuzino. Forewords by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Alexander McCall Smith. Thought-provoking and powerful real life stories from survivo...

498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
498 kr - 498 kr
498 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr

Spirituality in Hospice Care

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Publishing on the 50th anniversary of the opening of St Christopher's Hospice - widely thought of to be the first modern hospice, combining pain an...

349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr
349 kr - 349 kr
349 kr