Ephesians and Colossians
529 kr
529 kr
529 kr
529 kr
529 kr
529 kr
SKU 978-0-8010-3128-1
Product Description
Ephesians and Colossians is the first of eighteen volumes in the new Paideia commentary series. This series approaches each text in its final, canonical form, proceeding by sense units rather than word-by-word or verse-by-verse. Each sense unit is explored in three sections: (1) introductory matters, (2) tracing the train of thought, (3) key hermeneutical and theological questions. The commentaries shed fresh light on the text while avoiding idiosyncratic readings, attend to theological meaning without presuming a specific theological stance in the reader, and show how the text uses narrative and rhetorical strategies from the ancient educational context to form and shape the reader. Professors, graduate and seminary students, and pastors will benefit from this readable commentary, as will theological libraries.
From the Back Cover
Ephesians and Colossians is the first of eighteen volumes in the Paideia commentary series. In this inaugural volume, leading New Testament scholar Charles Talbert distills interpretive insights for students in theology, biblical studies, and religion.
Commentaries in the Paideia series focus on the final form of each New Testament book, attending to historical setting, canonical context, and contemporary hermeneutical concerns. Authored by a diverse team of illustrious scholars, Paideia commentaries add fresh insight to consensus scholarship, focusing especially on how these theological texts use narrative and rhetorical strategies from the ancient educational world to form and shape the reader.
»Charles Talbert initiates Baker Academic's new Paideia series, which promises a fresh approach beneficial especially to beginning students but of value to the more advanced as well, with an accessible, user-friendly commentary on Ephesians and Colossians. Talbert's contribution shines forth as a concise yet comprehensive gem illustrating his mastery of the present state of research. His vast erudition enlightens readers with new insights into not only the theological content but also the cultural and literary contexts to facilitate an appreciation of the contemporary relevance of two closely related but sometimes neglected Pauline letters.» --John Paul Heil, professor of New Testament, Catholic University of America
»The Pauline letters to the Ephesians and the Colossians are extraordinarily rich texts. Drawing on his many years of distinguished teaching and scholarship, Charles Talbert is a most trustworthy guide (paidag gos), for students and all who love Scripture, to the literary, historical, and theological treasures in these marvelous early Christian writings.» --Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, professor of New Testament, Weston Jesuit School of Theology
»Here is a commentary that has about everything you really want and almost nothing you don't want! Talbert is clear, concise, informative, and interesting, providing solid exegesis and exhibiting judicious and balanced wisdom throughout. This is a most auspicious beginning to a new commentary series. I recommend it very enthusiastically.» --Donald A. Hagner, George Eldon Ladd Professor of New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary [Språk: Engelska] Häftad
Titel: Ephesians and Colossians
Förlag: Baker Book House