Honeymoon Is Over - Jonah’s Argument With God
216 kr
216 kr
216 kr
216 kr
216 kr
216 kr
SKU 978-1-56563-672-9
Beyond standard theological issues such as repentance and prayer, »The Honeymoon is Over» explores themes within the Book of Jonah that are of great interest to the modern reader: suicide and assisted suicide, near-death experiences, mere survival and existence conceived as theological imperatives, the moral capacity of animals, erotic theory, universalism or outreach to gentiles, and the possibility that God can not only change his mind but even be educated.
Literary research also offers new answers to the difficult question of Jonah's genre, by suggesting how the book may be read as a pastoral novella and a tale of the fantastic.
»The Honeymoon is Over» is an imaginative, challenging, and readable book, appealing to both pastor and lay person alike. [Språk: Engelska] Häftad
Titel: Honeymoon Is Over - Jonah’s Argument With God
Förlag: Hendrickson Publ