On the Road Encounters in Luke-Acts
396 kr
396 kr
396 kr
396 kr
396 kr
396 kr
SKU 978-1-84227-253-4
Contemporary reconstructions of Luke's theology of the Way should include in a more conscientious manner the contribution of Luke's post-Easter on the road encounters (the Emmaus, Gaza, and Damascus road narratives). This book argues that Luke follows here the rules of Hellenistic mimesis (imitation), many of which are illustrated in the novels, dramas, and history treatises of his time. Filtering these rules through his own theology and literary taste, he represents, in the end, the history and the proclamation of the early church, in an attractive and challenging manner, inviting his readers to good literature and to captivating spiritual experiences.
Titel: On the Road Encounters in Luke-Acts
Förlag: Paternoster