Rethinking Augustine’s Early Theology: An Argument for Continuity
379 kr
379 kr
379 kr
379 kr
379 kr
379 kr
SKU 978-0-19-954364-9
Carol Harrison counters the assumption that Augustine of Hippo's (354-430) theology underwent a revolutionary transformation around the time he was consecrated Bishop in 396.
Instead, she argues that there is a fundamental continuity in his thought and practice from the moment of his conversion in 386.
The book thereby challenges the general scholarly trend to begin reading Augustine with his Confessions (396), which were begun ten years after his conversion, and refocuses attention on his earlier works, which undergird his whole theological system. [Språk: Engelska] Häftad
Titel: Rethinking Augustine’s Early Theology: An Argument for Continuity
Förlag: Oxford