The story of war: church and propaganda in France and Sweden in 1610-1710

239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
239 kr - 239 kr
239 kr
SKU 978-91-88168-66-5

The endless wars of the seventeenth century took their toll in the lives of millions of soldiers and crushing taxes.

To legitimize war, Europe's rulers turned to the Church: ‘O God, we praise you', Te Deum Laudamus, was sung in the churches of France and Sweden to celebrate victory in battle.

It was a way of thanking God, but also an opportunity for congregations to learn what had happened – and an occasion for festivities... [Språk: Engelska] Inbunden

Titel: The story of war: church and propaganda in France and Sweden in 1610-1710
Förlag: Nordic Academic