Chronology of World Christianity

505 kr - 505 kr
505 kr
505 kr - 505 kr
505 kr
SKU 978-0-8264-9633-1

Christianity has carried on down the centuries, in regular prayer, worship, teaching and service to others regardless of dates on the calendar. But there is more to Christianity that this and particularly over the last two hundred years there has been a growing awareness about how much change and diversity there is in Christianity. This is a rich and complex story involving key individuals, events, intellectual developments, wars, migrations, cultural and scientific innovations, all of which are connected with particular times andplaces. The book is divided into chapters for each century, each of which contains an introduction. There are also boxes scattered throughout the text which have information about the most important movements and developments in the unfolding story. Included are 12 maps, an 8 page color plate section, 40 line drawings and a comprehensive index.

[Språk: Engelska] Inbunden

Titel: Chronology of World Christianity
Förlag: Orca Book Services