The Gospels and Acts: Fortress Commentary on the Bible Study Edition
199 kr
199 kr
199 kr
199 kr
199 kr
199 kr
SKU 978-1-5064-1589-5
This commentary on the Gospels and Acts, excerpted from the Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament, engages readers in the work of biblical interpretation. Contributors from a diversity of perspectives connect historical-critical analysis with sensitivity to current theological, cultural, and interpretive issues.
Each chapter (Matthew through Acts) includes an introduction and commentary based on three lenses: ancient context, the interpretive tradition, and contemporary questions and challenges.
The Gospels and Acts introduces fresh perspectives and draws students, preachers, and interested readers into the challenging work of interpretation.
[Språk: Engelska] Häftad
Titel: The Gospels and Acts: Fortress Commentary on the Bible Study Edition
Förlag: Fortress